Title A Study on the Construction of Dongnae Hyanggyo in the late of Chosun Dinasty
Authors 김숙경 ; 김순일
Page pp.139-146
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Dongnae Hyanggyo ; Dongnaebu ; process and system of construction ; local sarim ; local history
Abstract This study is on the architectural history of process and system of 4 times Dongnae Hyanggyo construction in the late of Chosun Dynasty through researching into the architectural records and historical documents in those days. Dongnae Hyanggyo had been built in special matters of Dongnaebu by local sarim under supervision of government officials. These construction had turned out difference and general characters which were about means of finance security, periods of building and using craftsmen according as officials's aid and power of sarim in Dongnaebu. This study would be the one of foundation on the local history of architecture in the late of Chosun Dynasty.