Title A Study on the Spatial Feature of Libraries according to its Change in Character
Authors 이경훈
Page pp.147-155
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Libraries ; Character ; Physical Objective ; Sociocultural Objective
Abstract This study aims to examine the spatial character of contemporary library architecture using architectural character as its analysis tool. In particular, physical and sociocultural aspects and how they become spatialized were examined. The character change in terms of the physical aspects of a library can be condensed to the change in access space and storage with the new addition of community space. Access of library within today's networked society are being decentralized and non-hierarchical, leading to the prominent physical spatial character of today's library of network space and continuous space. In character change in terms of sociocultural aspects, de-materialized space as the metaphor of today's information society is replacing the past symbolic systems of library practiced with statues and monumental masses. Also, as diverse cultural, educational, entertainment programs are being included in today's library the tendency of internalization of external space can be identified. Through the above changes it can be induced that libraries are becoming a social cultural institution where the new information and knowledge become reproduced.