Title A study on the constructive traits of Dapo building's Kongpoes from late Koryo to early Chosun dynasty
Authors 이연노 ; 주남철
Page pp.167-174
ISSN 12269093
Keywords from late Koryo to early Chosun dynasty ; Kongpo ; Dapo ; Beam ; Dori
Abstract This thesis mainly deals with what the constructive traits of Dapo building's Kongpoes are from late Koryo to early Chosun dynasty.
Comparing to the buildings of other periods, the methods, constructing Kongpoes make too many diverse aspects.
The numbers of Chulmok are same between inner and outer part. The heads of beams were extruded from Kongpo, and these were shaped typical figure, Sambundu. The beams were constructed by Chumchaes in inner and outer part of Chulmoks. All the Jangyeoes and Gabanjangyeoes that jointed to the beams located on the upper part of beam. Some buildings were deposed to make straight line regardless of location. Others didn't, height made by inner part of Chulmok was higher than outer.
As for the use of Dori, they didn't use Jusimdori but Nemokdori.
Sungbulsa Ungjinjun and Simwonsa Bokwagjun especially used Ungongs which support Oimokdori on the head of beam. And, Sukwangsa Unjindang, Seoul Sungryemun, and Bongjungsa Daewungjun didn't use Ungong in the Juganpo. That looks like typical trait of this period.