Title A Study on the Spatial Construction of Exposition in the Nineteenth Century
Authors 김형준 ; 전영훈 ; 김광현
Page pp.175-182
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Exposition ; Modern Institutional Buildings ; Spatial Construction ; Time ; Threshold ; Perception
Abstract This study is to examine the spatial construction found in expositions in the 19th century. The purpose is to understand architecture in the 19th century as the origin of the modern architecture in the 20th century, and to reveal the authenticity of modern spaces through spaces of expositions. Expositions in the 19th century are one of the leading architectural themes in that age. Having a vast influence on entire Europe, they are new modern institutional buildings emerging with new modern technologies and culture.
This study analysis expositions through three viewpoints in the modern institutional buildings which were ‘time’, ‘threshold’ and ‘perception’. As a result, spatial construction in expositions were formed by things, people and space which were related to the three viewpoints. The phenomenon and the process in the spatial construction of exposition are related to the modern architecture, and also relations in the space of exposition are extended to the city and the architecture in the 20th century. Therefore, the modern institutional buildings in the 19th century will be studied as to reveal identity of the modern architecture and its modernity.