Title A Documentary Study on Ga-ga or Temporary Building
Authors 우동선
Page pp.183-192
ISSN 12269093
Abstract Ga-ga is a architectural term that appeared on the documents of the Choson Dynasty and the Daehan Imperial Period. This Ga-ga is changed to Ga-ge(shop). Ga-ga seemed to be a very famous landscape in Korean big cities. I thought that Ga-ga has two meanings in Korean modern history. One is the symbol of commercial development in the Late Choson Dynasty. Another is the target of demolition under the modern city planning of the Daehan Empire. But, until now, we do not have enough research on Ga-ga. In this paper, I examine the Choson-wangjo-sillok, some pictures, photographs, many foreigner's travel books, and a few building codes. Through this study, I found that Ga-ga has varieties and I could get some data on Ga-ga. Consequently, we can confirm that Ga-ga was very interesting landscape and object in the pre-modern and modern era of Korea.