Title A Study on the Observation of an Urban Climatic Distribution in Pohang City on Summer
Authors 정창원 ; 윤인
Page pp.193-199
ISSN 12269093
Keywords urban climatic ; temperature distribution ; urban planning ; Pohang city ; Hyeongsan-river ; sea breeze
Abstract The objective of this paper is to examine the observation of an urban climatic distribution in Pohang city in summer for Urban environment planning.
Field observations of air temperature, humidity, wind direction and velocity were conducted during summer of 2001 in Pohang. These climatic conditions were measured at stationary point, especially the mouth of the Hyeongsan-river, and moving observations points along the river, the street and the Yeongil-bay by car.
The wind velocity on the river and the bay as a whole were stronger than that on the street. There is the cooling effect of going up sea breeze along the river and the bay on the thermal environment in the center of city in summer. objective of this study is to clarify the effect of thermal radiation environments on human thermal comfort, depending on different urban canyon types and surface materials on the human thermal comfort.