Title A Study on Modified AFOSM Analysis for Beam-to-Column Connections with Angles
Authors Shin Su-Mi ; Kim Yo-Suk ; Park Sung-Soo
Page pp.51-58
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Reliability Analysis ; Reliability Index ; Advanced First-Order Second-Moment method ; Monte Carlo Simulation ; Angle Connections
Abstract Beam-to-column connections are involved material and geometric uncertainties. The deterministic structural analysis is difficult to estimate proper safety factor of structures because it could not consider theses uncertainties. Therefore, structural reliability analysis is more reasonable method because means and standard deviations of design parameters as these uncertainties are considered to measure safety factor of structures. In this study, three-parameter power model proposed by Richard is used for defining the moment-rotation relationship of angle-type connections. For structural relisbility analysis, probability distribution functions of three parameters treated as random variables are assumed to be normal distribution. Three parameters are ultimate moment Mu, initial rotational stiffness Rki and shape parameter n. The reliability indices and probabilities of failure at a certain M-θ point are calculated by Advanced First-Order Second-Moment method. the accuracy of the present method is verified by Monte Carlo Simulation, which is one of accurate methods to obtain failure probability.