Title A Study on the Apartment Marketing Strategy of Medium-sized Building Construction Firm by Market Segmentation
Authors Kim Yong-Deok ; Kim Kyung-Rai ; Shin Dong-Woo
Page pp.137-144
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Apartment ; Marketing segmentation ; Marketing strategy ; Medium-sized building construction firms
Abstract As the rate of housing supply is increased and consumer's diversified demand is changed, the medium-sized construction firms are less competitive comparing to the large-sized construction firms in the domestic construction industry. Furthermore, the market share of medium-sized construction firm would be expected to decrease in the future, if they did not prepare the marketing strategy for survival through analyzing the consumer's diversified demand and their capabilities. Therefore, this study purposes to establish the marketing strategy of apartment by the method of market segmentation. This study purpose to (1) analyze general methodology of apartment market-segmentation, and (2) propose various development strategies, which can maximize the consumer satisfaction and sales of apartment. The method proposed in this study will be applied in strengthening the popularity of medium-sized construction companies and the development of distinguished products.