Title TRIZ Application for Inventive Thinking in the Design Phase VE
Authors Jung Young-Il ; Seo Yong-Chil ; Koo Kyo-Jin ; Hyun Chang-Taek
Page pp.145-152
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Design Phase VE ; TRIZ ; Idea Generation ; Brainstorming ; Technical Contradiction ; Physical Contradiction
Abstract In the construction industry, VE(Value Engineering) is one of the most effective tools available to achieve the required function at minimum cost, without sacrificing needed quality. However, using the brainstorming method in VE study has a certain limitation on creative thinking. This limitation can be overcome by application of TRIZ, a theory of Inventive Problem Solving. It is one of the most reliable methods to predict the development of products, define the problems to be focused, and provide the effective solution.This study describes "Design Phase VE/TRIZ" which is the application of TRIZ tools into VE to enhance the methods of the creativity phase on VE job-plan. and then proposes how to use TRIZ tools for achieving the desired goals successfully.