Title A Development of the Project Manager-Oriented Organizational Model for Apartment Construction Projects
Authors Sohn Jeong-Rak ; Kim Jae-Jun
Page pp.171-180
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Functional Organization ; Matrix Organization ; Project Manager ; the Organization of Project Manager-Orienred
Abstract Construction industry is characteristic to require long periods for the completion of a project, and various functional units should be correlated in executing the project. It, therefore, is important that project manager should manage the functional work units effectively as a leader for the success of the project. In this study, the PMOM based on the matrix formation for project manager system is proposed to improve the inefficient current management system constituted by functional units with the decentralized responsibility in apartment construction project. When, especially, an active project management based on profitability and efficiency is introduced to the construction project, the proposed model of PMr type will reduce the inefficiency of current project management system, and contribute to a more efficient, practical management system.