Title An Experimental Study on the possibility of the Sun Tracking Technique of the Photovoltaic System for the Building Application
Authors Kang Sung-Bum ; Oh Min-Seok ; Kim Hway-Suh
Page pp.147-155
ISSN 12269093
Keywords PV(Photovoltaic) ; BIPV(Building Integrated Photovoltaic) ; Electric Power ; Tracking System
Abstract The amount of electric power produced by Photovoltaic(PV) depends on the density of daylight incident. In addition to the development of high efficient PV, a study on the methods for maximizing the density of daylight incident to PV surface is essential to increase the production of electric power. In this respect, many studies on light tracking and gathering device have been conducted in the advanced countries such as U.S. and Japan. However, those studies in Korea are still in an early stage. Therefore this study aims to present the optimal tracking system for the application of PV to buildings considering domestic weather condition. In this study, the tracking type, the interval of tracking offset and optimum integration of tracking system were investigated.