Title A study to establish general facts for vitalizing remodeling on office buildings
Authors Cho Kyun-Hyung ; Choi Do-Sung ; Lee Kyoung-Su
Page pp.179-185
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Remodeling ; Environmentally Friendly Architecture ; Office Building ; Life Cycle Assesment
Abstract Nowadays, Remodeling has been understood as a countermeasures to improve indiscriminate construction behavior in the aspect of environment and economy. As the aspect mentioned above, Remodeling is able to retrench the resources and costs consumed in construction and the wastes from demolition of building. But the other hand, Remodeling makes negative impacts from misunderstanding for the concept of remodeling. For reasons mentioned above, This study took the two-pronged approach consisting of the examination of the existing remodeling construction data of office buildings from the five domestic remodeling companies and the survey of the concerned departments and the employees at the architect's offices. The major research content included the demand cycle of remodeling, the type and scope of remodeling construction, analysis of construction costs, and problems in construction. Further, the environmental impacts from construction quantified by Life Cycle Assesment.