Title A Study on the Typical Energy and Water Consumption Values according to the Size of the Office Buildings in Daegu
Authors Lee Eun-Hye ; Hong Won-Hwa
Page pp.187-194
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Dae-gu City ; Office Buildings ; Typical Energy ann Water Consumption Value ; Field Survey
Abstract As the urbanization has progressed, we can see the office buildings gathering together in a specific district. However, their types of use and maintenance of functions are so diverse that nobody can predict and make them stand in one line which contain data about facility and energy for both extension of durability and economic operation of office buildings. Therefore this research is focused on establishing systematic and classified data about office buildings in dae-gu metropolis. The purpose is extracting some factors which mainly cause energy and water consumption, analyzing the tendency of the amount of energy and water consumption, calculating typical energy and water consumption values of them, and in the result proposing proper guidelines for economic operations appropriate for conditions of the district.