Title A Study on Finite Element Tearing and Interconnection Method for Structural Analysis
Authors Eun Hee-Chang ; Yang Keun-Heok ; Chung Heon-Soo
Page pp.17-24
ISSN 12269107
Keywords finite element method ; compatibility condition ; constraint force ; substructure
Abstract This paper presents an explicit equilibrium equation related to a finite element tearing and interconnection method for structural analysis. This method is based on a decomposition of the finite element model into substructures. Using the displacement compatibility at each interface between substructures and modifying the previous results provided by the authors this study determines the equilibrium equation of the global structure with floating substructures as substructures. The new method can explicitly determine the static displacements from the explicit form of equilibrium equation. But, it has a disadvantage not to be able to reduce the global number of degree of freedom due to the calculation of generalized inverse matrix. Also, several applications illustrated the validity and easiness of the proposed method.