Title Bond Stress-Slip Characteristics of Reinforcing Bars in Grout-filled Splice Sleeve
Authors Kim Hyong-Kee ; Park Bok-Man
Page pp.35-42
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Grout-filled Splice Sleeve ; Grout Mortar ; Bond Stress ; Slip ; Embedded Reinforcing Bar
Abstract In this study, the previous test result of author was analyzed in order to assess the bond stress-slip characteristics between reinforcing bar and grout mortar in splice sleeve. The study result presented in this paper can be helpful in developing more reliable design method for grout-filled splice sleeve. The followings were found: 1) The remarkable shift of bond stress-slip relationships at the any range between reinforcing bar and mortar appeared, according as the rebar yielded or not. 2) The bond stress between reinforcing bar and mortar in pre-yield regions of rebar was different from that in post-yield regions of rebar. In pre-yield regions of reinforcing bar in splice sleeve, the distribution of bond stress between rebar and mortar was almost uniform along embedded reinforcing bar. Rebar started yielding from the location close to sleeve end. When the rebar yielded in i location, bond stress between i~(i+1) range increased suddenly and the lower bond stress was distributed almost constant in pre-yield regions of reinforcing bar.