Title Productivity Management Methodology using Productivity Achievement Ratio
Authors Kim Tae-Wan ; Yu Jung-Ho ; Lee Hyun-Soo
Page pp.103-111
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Productivity ; Productivity Achievement Ratio ; Ideal Productivity ; Obtainable Productivity ; Actual Productivity ; Reduction Factor
Abstract It is generally accepted that we should figure out the items which have room for improvement to manage productivity. However, the items with low productivity do not always mean problem items when evaluating the productivity. That is the reason why we need the new evaluation indicator for managing the productivity. Firstly this study suggests ideal productivity, obtainable productivity and actual productivity. And secondly based upon those concepts, this paper proposes the new evaluation indicator, productivity achievement ratio(PAR). PAR is the ratio of actual productivity to obtainable productivity and we can find that as PAR goes to 1, the productivity management goes to the success. We should pay attention to low PAR items to implement successful management on productivity.