Title Evaluation of Shear Strength for Reinforced Concrete Deep Beams by Nonlinear Analysis
Authors Lee Jong-Kweon ; Lee Li-Hyung ; Lee Byung-Hai
Page pp.7-14
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Shear Strength ; Nonlinear Analysis ; Web Opening ; Parametric Study
Abstract As the residential spaces become high-rised and high-density, multi-story buildings are constructed with transfer girders, deep beams, wall foundations, floor diaphragms, shear walls which providing column offsets. Especially, in the analysis and design of multi-story buildings, the lateral loads must be taken into consideration. But, there have been no pertinent theory and national design code for predicting ultimate shear strength of reinforced concrete deep beams with web opening. There have been only empirical and semi-empirical formulas for predicting their ultimate load bearing capacities due to the complexities of the structural non-linearity and material heterogeneity. So in this study, two-dimensional finite element models that represent exactly the behavior of real structures are analyzed with SBETA which is a general nonlinear finite element analysis program, and the results are compared with that from the real reinforced concrete deep beams with or without web opening tests. This paper have obtained that present equations have some problems on the analogy of these results, and proposes modified equations to predict the analysis results properly. From the analysis comparison and parametric study, the study presents the elementary data of the shear resistance for the reinforced concrete deep beams with web opening.