Title Seismic Performance Evaluation of WUF-B Connections Part 1. Experimental Investigation
Authors Han Sang-Whan ; Kwon Gun-Up
Page pp.33-40
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Moment Resisting Frames ; Connections ; Seismic Design ; Plastic Hinge
Abstract The purpose of this study is to evaluate the seismic performance of Welded Unreinforced Flange - Bolted web (WUF-B) connections designed and detailed in compliance with the FEMA 350 recommended seismic design criteria. In FEMA 350 these types of connections are only valid for Ordinary Moment Resisting Steel Frames (OMRSFs). In this study three full-scale test specimens were made, which were designed and detailed in compliance with the criteria for WUF-B connections in FEMA 350. The main variable of the specimens was panel zone strength. From the test results, WUF-B connection with a strong panel zone has the smallest total plastic rotation capacity. In contrast, the specimen with a weak panel zone showed a fairy good seismic performance. Test results showed that the failure modes of the WUF-B connections were (1) beam flange fracture passing through the end of access hole cut and (2) beam flange fracture around the weld fusion zone.