Title An Analytic Investigation on the Stress flows of Semi-Rigid Connection with Split-T Stubs
Authors Park Jung-Woo ; Kim Ji-Young ; Kim Dae-Yung ; Kim Sang-Dae
Page pp.73-81
ISSN 12269107
Keywords 스플릿 티 ; 반강접 ; 응력분포 ; 유한요소해석스플릿 티 ; 반강접 ; 응력분포 ; 유한요소해석
Abstract PR connection is much more difficult to design than the FR connection because of the non-linear behavior. The shear force and the bending moment in the split-T connection which discussed in this research??transferred from beams to columns through only the split-T at the jointed region where observed the drastic variation of the stress distribution. Consequently, the adequate structural design seems to need the investigation of the stress transfer mechanism at the split-T connection. For the clarification of the stress distribution, the stress distributions at the joint region was analyzed according to the properties of the connection components with FEA. The ideal design guidelines were suggested for the optimal design on the basis of the analysis results. As a result, it was observed that the stress had a tendency to be concentrated at the end of beams. And, the ratios of the bearing length to the stem length of split-T at the joint region were in the ratio from 0.53 to 0.65. Also, the shapes of the stress block were observed to have a triangular shape.