Title Tensile Strength of Expansion Anchors installed in Uncracked and Unreinforced Concrete
Authors Kim Sung-Yong ; Seo Seong-Yeon ; Kim Kyu-Suk
Page pp.83-92
ISSN 12269107
Keywords 고하중 앵커 ; 웨지 앵커 ; 인발내력 ; 삽입깊이 ; 연단거리고하중 앵커 ; 웨지 앵커 ; 인발내력 ; 삽입깊이 ; 연단거리
Abstract This paper presents the evaluation of tensile strength of expansion anchor that can cause a failure of the concrete on the basis of the design for anchorage. Test of Heavy duty Anchor and Wedge Anchor, domestically manufactured and installed in plain concrete member are conducted to test the effects of embedment depth and edge distance. Design of post-installed steel anchors termed the Concrete Capacity Design(CCD) approach, is presented. This approach is compared to the well-known provisions ACI 349-90. The use of both methods to predict the concrete failure load of expansion anchor in plain concrete under monotonic loading for important applications is compared. In this study, the concrete tension capacity of fastenings with Heavy duty Anchors and Wedge Anchors in plain concrete predicted by ACI 349-90 and the CCD method has been compared with the results of tests.