Title An Experimental Study on the Manufacturing of Sulfur Mortar
Authors Yoon Jai-Hwan ; Heo Hyung-Suk
Page pp.93-99
ISSN 12269107
Keywords 유황콘크리트,개질유황,유황폴리머시멘트,유황모르타르,필러유황콘크리트,개질유황,유황폴리머시멘트,유황모르타르,필러
Abstract Sulfur concrete is a high strength, rapid setting, acid and salt resistant, structural construction material. Sulfur concrete is a thermoplastic material prepared by hot-mixing sulfur cements and mineral aggregates. Sulfur concrete solidifies and gains strength rapidly upon cooling. This paper reports the test results of effective factors to mortar strength and workability. Test results were as followers: 1)When fly-ash is used as filler, it can increase the strength of sulfur mortar significantly, 2)The optimum mix proportion of sulfur mortar is acquired when binder aggregate ratio is 2 and 30% substitution of fly-ash for sulfur binder in view of workability and strength. 3)Minimum shrinkage is obtained when binder aggregate ratio is over 2.5 and 30% substitution of fly-ash for sulfur binder.