Title Properties of Recycle Cement made of Cementitious Powder from Concrete Waste by Conditions of Burning
Authors Ahn Jae-Cheol ; Lee Jin-Ho ; Kang Byeung-Hee
Page pp.109-116
ISSN 12269107
Keywords 완전순환형 콘크리트 ; 폐콘크리트계 미분말 ; 재생시멘트 ; 수화성완전순환형 콘크리트 ; 폐콘크리트계 미분말 ; 재생시멘트 ; 수화성
Abstract The purpose of this study was the development of a recycling process to recover the hydraulic properties of hydration products which account for a large proportion of cementitious powder from concrete waste.??This process was performed to recycle cementitious powder as recycle cement.?? Therefore, after the theoretical consideration of the properties of high-heated concrete, we investigated the hydraulic properties of cementitious powder under various temperature conditions in hardened mortar which was modeled on concrete waste. ??As a result of the experiment, the most effective method to recover hydraulic properties of the cementitious powder from concrete waste was condition of burning at 700℃ for 120 minute.??And it is shown that the fluidity of mortar was decreased rapidly when the burning temperature of recycle cement was increased.??However, the compressive strength and fluidity were improved significantly when admixtures such as fly-ash or blast furnace slag was added.