Title Development of Temporary Work Management System based on Historical Database System
Authors Park Kyoung-Ho ; Lee Hoon-ku ; Baik Jong-Keon ; Kim Jae-Jun
Page pp.141-148
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Historical Data ; Break Down Structure ; Database System ; Linear Regression
Abstract The Elements of common temporary work in Construction Project have ambiguous work scope between client and builder. Also problems of non-breakdown, non-standardization in common temporary work are obstructive when contract. Finally they will be reached claim factors on the construction project. Because the common temporary work information management system is not built, We have to develop common temporary work information management system based on historical cost database for Construction Management. This system will successively accomplish the project in pre-construction step to standardize work items and to forecast the cost of common temporary work. Therefore feasibility study will be possible with historical database in new project.