Title A Probabilistic Cost Planning Model during the Design Decision-Making Process
Authors Park Chan-Sik ; Chang Sun-Ho ; Kim Ki-Hong
Page pp.181-189
ISSN 12269107
Keywords 공사비계획 ; 확률적 공사비모델 ; 설계의사결정 ; 시뮬레이션 ; 오피스빌딩공사비계획 ; 확률적 공사비모델 ; 설계의사결정 ; 시뮬레이션 ; 오피스빌딩
Abstract The owner's budget as a major factor, has a great effect on the design decision-making process. Traditionally, the pyung method has been used in the building practice for the estimation of the project cost at the early stage of construction project. Although this method can be used easily, it has many problems such as considering the total floor area as the only parameter representing the total building cost and having little relation with the designer developing cost-effective alternatives. This situation is much critical on the high-rise building project that various owner's demands and design factors should be reflected in the early project planning stage. The purpose of this paper is to propose a new cost planning model which can be utilized for the decision making process of the high-rise building design. This model applies some probabilistic distribution variables and the range estimating technique for the correlation of cost planning and design decision-making process. In addition, a case study is performed for the verification and applicability of the model. The model would greatly assist the owner and designer decision-making process and could minimize the redesign work.