Title Rationalization of Color Planning on Primary School Facilities
Authors Jang Seong-Jun ; Choi Doo-Won ; Hwang In-Hwan
Page pp.25-32
ISSN 12269093
Keywords 색채계획의 합리화 ; 색채조화 ; 초등학교 ; 색채계측 ; 배색안색채계획의 합리화 ; 색채조화 ; 초등학교 ; 색채계측 ; 배색안
Abstract The study deals with color environment of some new primary school buildings to suggest alternative strategy for rationalization of color planning. We introduced two analytic methods. Firstly, we measured present color schemes in and outside the building, and checked if the colors satisfy theory of harmony suggested by Moon & Spencer and PCCS. Secondly, we conducted enquete survey to find out preference on color samples and satisfaction on color environment of the new building. In case of exterior colors, half of them were in disharmony in respect to main color, and so those of interior. The respondents presented conflict attitudes in their preference in the color sample and the real color environment. The study suggests appropriate strategy for color planning to promote color satisfaction; enhancement of harmony condition, simple checking of harmony between primary color and secondary or accent color, cheking of bipolar attitude, care of color maintenance.