Title A Study on the Properties of the Plan which was plottde in CHOLLAJWASUYOUNG
Authors Oh Jung-Hun ; Nam Ho-Hyeon
Page pp.189-196
ISSN 12269093
Keywords 수영건축 ; 수군사령부 ; 보급시설수영건축 ; 수군사령부 ; 보급시설
Abstract During Chosun dynasty, the lefthand defense camp in Jeolla province(hereinafter called 'Jeolla lefthand defense camp') was the headquarter of Jeolla lefthand naval army. In particular, it was a great strategic point led by our great admiral Yi, Sun-shin, which was critical enough to change a national fate in the front line against Japanese pirates during the Japanese invasion of Chosun dynasty in the end of 16th century. Afterwards, Jeolla lefthand defense camp played its full roles as a strategic base crucial to the national defense against Japanese invasions over about 500 years, in which Chosun army was reformed and reorganized on a full scale.??First of all, this study aimed at identifying general arrangement features of Chosun naval army camp and fortress by determining any correlations around some old towns or fortresses and naval army camp/fortress in Jeolla province according to the name and location of each building. Then, the study considered respective building rrangement features within Jeolla naval army camp and fortress to identify its relationship with the rrangement of buildings as remained in the former Jeolla lefthand defense camp.