Title A Study on the Greco-Gothic Ideal in the late 17th century
Authors Yim Seock-Jae
Page pp.207-218
ISSN 12269093
Keywords 그레코-고딕 아이디얼 ; 아르두엥-만사르 ; 클로드 페로 ; 엥빌리드 ; 베르사이유의 왕궁 채플 ; 성 주네비에브 교회그레코-고딕 아이디얼 ; 아르두엥-만사르 ; 클로드 페로 ; 엥빌리드 ; 베르사이유의 왕궁 채플 ; 성 주네비에브 교회
Abstract This thesis is to study the Greco-Gothic Ideal in the late 17th Century of France. This issue was enhanced by Hardouin-Mansart in his Invalides and Royal Chapel at Versailles, and Claude Perrault in the project of the church of St. Genevieve. The contribution of the two architects lies in two aspects. The first is that the tripartite composition of Gothic structure was interpretated in the post-lintel structure of Greek architecture. The second is that the concept of the structural honesty was clearly defined. Through these contributions, the two architects can be said to be the beginning of the Greco-Gothic Ideal of the 18th century. By extending the beginning and contents of the Greco-Gothic Ideal like this, this issue can be involved in more inclusive movements: the previous concept of the Greco-Gothic Ideal defined as church movement can be extended into architectural movement involving structural rationalism, Neoclassicism, New Architecture, interpretation of historic model, etc.