Title The Architectural Characteristics of Hyangdan(香壇) through the Tectonic of?KAN?
Authors Jang Sun-Joo ; Rhee Kang-Hoon
Page pp.219-226
ISSN 12269093
Keywords 향단 ; 칸 ; 구축향단 ; 칸 ; 구축
Abstract The purpose of this study is to explain the architectural characteristics of Hyangdan(香壇) through the tectonic of‘KAN’??Here, the ‘Kan’is assumed as a conceptual framework to organize a house and also a maneuvering tool to control the spatial order with relationship between the whole and the part. Not limited to the simple conceptual aspects, but the interrelated elements such as the site conditions, modules, functions, structure and aesthetic factors. Through the process of the study, the role of‘Kan’is proved to be a tectonic tool for self-regulating architectural order by relation matrix of elements.‘Kan’is not only a fixed measuring tool for functions and material of a house but also a flexible device to control the building composition.‘Kan’is certainly a relative subject for measurement of form, space and aesthetic quality.