Title A Methodology on Framing Climate Map for Environmentally Friendly Architecture
Authors Yee Jurng-Jae ; Cho Yong-Soo ; Doe Geun-Young
Page pp.271-278
ISSN 12269093
Keywords 환경친화건축설계 ; 기후 특성 ; 자동기상관측장비 ; 기후맵환경친화건축설계 ; 기후 특성 ; 자동기상관측장비 ; 기후맵
Abstract Recently the ecological building design has been considered to be very important as the interest has been gathered on environmental problems of the earth. For the ecological building design, it is essential to understand regional climatic characteristics correctly. But as no architect can ever study all of microclimate found in the specific region, architects must use the available published data and modify it to fit their specific site. For this purpose, long term weather data on the broad area are necessary but in Korea weather data can be collected from only sixty nine weather station. In this paper, therefore, the climate regions are divided and climate map(climate data table) is framed using the AWS(Automatic Weather monitoring System) data of 43 station and the data of 11 meterological observatories and weather station in BusanㆍGyeongnam area.