Title The Subjective Evaluation by the Variety of Exterior Lighting Color on the Busan Tower
Authors Park So-Jung ; Kim Dong-Wan ; Im Young-Bin
Page pp.179-185
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Busan tower ; exterior lighting ; questionnaire survey ; subjective evaluation ; exterior lighting image
Abstract This study aims to evaluate the exterior lighting image on Busan Tower, the most representative landmark in Busan, by research and analysis with Questionnaire surveys. It has been videoed and researched with references and field surveys in order to evaluate the subjective response. Questionnaire surveys were conducted by 88 P university students and were statistically analyzed by SPSS. The results of study are as follows: ① It is analyzed that the image of Busan Tower has been improved because of the exterior lighting, but the surveys show that its general contentment is not totally satisfied. ② The pictures shown in the surveys has been analyzed that there is no difference among them whether a picture is taken in one location or in any as long as it shows all parts of Busan Tower with the exterior lighting. ③ It is suggested that well-expressed 'beauty' is advantageous to improve its image quality and contentment. ④ Factors that shows the exterior lighting image of Busan Tower are as follows: its beauty, clearness, presentation, and familiarity.