Title An Experimental Study on the Strength and Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams Containing Shells
Authors Kim Jeong-Sup ; Cho Chang-Ho ; Go Song-Kyoon ; Cho Cheol-Hee ; Choi Jin-Seok
Page pp.67-74
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Shells ; Compressive Strength ; Ductility Capacity ; Reinforced Concrete Beam
Abstract This study makes experimental specimen to examine of concrete and structural characteristics of reinforced concrete beams such as shear destruction according to contents of shells in concrete using sea sand containing shells??and age, evaluates its load, deflection, crack and destruction from load increase and ductility capacity and aims at supplying the data for applying it to actual structures.??As a result of strength test by shell contents, it is found that compressive strength of specimen using sea sand containing 8% of shells is highest and the more shell contents are, its compressive strength is reduced. Compressive strength of specimen using sea sand containing 8% of shells was reduced by 7.34% at 28 days of age and by 3.87% at 365 days of age compared to specimen using river sand. The flexural capacity test of reinforced concrete beam showed that specimen using sea sand containing shells has reduce ductility capacity compared to specimen using river sand. In strain of bar, specimen using sea sand showed least result on tensile bar compressive bar and stirrup bar showed a great increase of strain of bar after yield.