Title The Shape Finding and Stress Analysis of the Tension Membrane Structures by Using 4-node Isoparametric Element
Authors Han Sang-Eul ; Lee Kyung-Soo ; Lee Kap-Soo
Page pp.83-90
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Shape Finding ; 4-node Quadrilateral Isoparametric Membrane Stress Element ; Tension Membrane Structures
Abstract The purpose of this study is to analyze the equally stressed surface of tension-membrane structures by geometrically nonlinear using 4-node quadrilateral isoparametric plane stress element considering the orthotropic quality of membrane texture. The tension structures such as cable, tension membrane structure or cable dome initially exhibit the unstable condition because of no initial internal stiffness such as bending stiffness. So such structural system should install the prestress to obtain the stable state. And tension membrane structure take the three dimensional arbitrary curved surface as structural shape, and the analytical process is called Shape Finding Analysis. To verify the validity of this study, we examine the equally stressed surface of saddle and catenary shape shell structures and carry out the stress analysis.