Title The Traditionality and Locality of the Collective Habitat Model in Traditional Urban Area by the Architectural Competition
Authors Jeong Se-Rim ; Weon Se-Yong ; Bahn Sang-Chul ; Yi Hoon ; Kim Tai-Young
Page pp.35-42
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Traditional Urban Area ; Collective Habitat ; Architectural Competition ; Traditionality ; Locality ; Alley ; Court
Abstract The purpose of this paper is to analyze and evaluate the tendency of collective habitat model in traditional urban area proposed by the architectural competition. The analysis and evaluation of these works is made by reference-frame such as community, locality, and economy. As results, the summaries of findings are as follows: 1. In the tentative plan of the collective habitat models, these have a tendency to encourage community life as the characteristic of traditionality and locality. That is, these concepts are represented by the consideration of environs, the positive use of site conditions, and so on. 2. In evaluation of these works, the critics are composed of these groups-specialist, developer, residents. The specialist groups make an emphasis on the community life and environs, the developer groups on the plan and structure system, and the residents on the present life-cycle and conditions. 3. The collective habitat models find their traditional and local expression in the alley, court, arrangement, exterior space, and traditional space.