Title A Study on the Estimation & Comparison on Application-Methods of Zoning
Authors Choi Chan-Hwan ; Whang Yong-Yeun ; Choi Jun-Sun
Page pp.103-114
ISSN 12269093
Keywords 대지면적방식 ; 건축물방식 ; 지역별방식대지면적방식 ; 건축물방식 ; 지역별방식
Abstract This study is focusing on analyzing the effect and meaning of application method of zones on the lot divided by zoning line which is operated by the current law to get rational solutions. The content was evaluated whether application methods accomplish regulation' aim well. There are three ways in application methods operated on lots divided by zoning lines. They are??Lot Area Method, Building Area Method, and Zone Method. All three ways have their own meanings and limitations to apply, but according to the analysis, we could decide that Zone Method is the most effective way. However, it has sever limitations when we design site plan, use of building and building form in a land, so complements are required for each of cases. Therefore, we suggest new approach about the development scale, and complementary methods by each case for building uses and a right to sunshine.