Title A Study on a Guideline Proposal for the Determination of Visual Blockage Ratio in High-rise Apartment Area
Authors Shim Jae-Man ; Lee Dong-Bae
Page pp.143-152
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Urban Landscape ; Collective Housing ; High-rise Apartment ; Visual Blockage Ratio ; Guideline
Abstract The aim of this study is to make a proposal of a guideline for the evaluation of urban housing landscape. In this study we chose 15 cases of high-rise apartment estates to make analysis of exterior landscape factors by performing Factor Analysis with semantic differential method and SPSS+ as tools for the research.?? Efforts were made to prove that our suggestion introducing new quantified standards (such as the maximum value of facade area, maximum and mean value of elevation blockage ratio, linear blockage ratio in 4 direction), compared with existing Visual Blockage Guideline, can be served as better tool for the landscape study in urban high-rise area.