Title Analysis of Evaluation Characteristics on Lighting Technique Type of the Exterior Lighting in Buildings
Authors Lee Jin-Sook ; Yu Jae-Yeon ; Kim Byoung-Soo
Page pp.185-192
ISSN 12269093
Keywords 주관평가 ; CG실험 ; 조명 시뮬레이션 ; 평가특성 ; 이미지 ; 요인분석주관평가 ; CG실험 ; 조명 시뮬레이션 ; 평가특성 ; 이미지 ; 요인분석
Abstract The purpose of this paper is to analyse evaluation characteristics according to a lighting method of exterior lighting. In this paper, we verified effectiveness of CG as an evaluation tool after we primarily extracted evaluation vocabulary via previous experiment. And then, we conducted subjective evaluation experiment after producing an evaluation object by CG according to a lighting method of exterior lighting. Finally, we analysed the factor of an evaluation result, analysing according to a lighting method of exterior lighting.