Title Analysis of Contribution Ratio of Pollutant Sources to Indoor Air Quality
Authors Kim Tae-Yeon
Page pp.209-216
ISSN 12269093
Keywords 공기질 ; 오염물질 발생원 ; 기여율 ; CFD공기질 ; 오염물질 발생원 ; 기여율 ; CFD
Abstract The locations of pollutant sources in a room have a great responsibility for pollutant distribution in the air. The concentration of the point concerned depends on the each pollutant source and the room air distribution. The concentration of that point can be considered as the sum of the contribution ratios of sources. To controlling and designing the indoor air quality efficiently, it is very important to know the contribution ratio of pollutant sources in a room. In this paper, the method for assessing the contribution of pollutant sources were developed. This method are all calculated using the CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) method, which analyzes the velocity, temperature, and pollution distribution accurately. Using the method, the contribution ratio of pollutant sources of the model room was analyzed. The this new method were found to be very useful in this study.