Title Contradictions and Transformation in the Organizational Structure of the Architectural Firm CRSS
Authors Kim Duk-Su
Page pp.105-115
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Architectural Sociology ; Business History ; Organizational Change
Abstract This study analyzes historical and oral data on the firm CRSS to determine the historically specific conditions and mechanism that foster changes in its organizational structure. This study illustrates that contradictions between organizational structure and its internal or external environments cause organizational change. The findings suggest that organizational change is related to availability of external resources; economic cycle; technology adopted and key players' strategic choice against business uncertainty; shareholders' pressure; the degree of fitness to emerging markets; the state's regulations; and copying more successful firms. When a strategy of diversification, as a means of growth, is implemented by mergers and acquisitions, organization complexity is increased. It causes multidivisional firm structure and the oligopolistic structure of leadership. In this structure, a heterogeneous culture between CRSS management with and without architectural background was influential to its divestiture. As a resolution to contradictions between organizational structure and its internal/external environments, CRSS management with a managerial/financial background separated the profitable unit from less profitable unit.