Title A Fundamental Study on the Development of IT-Oriented Framework for Facility Maintenance Management
Authors Jung Young-Han ; Hwang Young-Sam ; Park Tae-Keun
Page pp.117-126
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Framework ; Policy-Guideline
Abstract This research shows the preservation administration framework which is conceptualized by link of development of IT solution for the preservation administration of facilities. Also, the preservation administration framework to propose is general. That is, it is not subject to restriction of administration formation's scale which apply variety of examined property type or scale of equipment administration project or framework. Framework can act in general policy guide line to execute preservation administration within organization which attend to government official of various property set. Framework would make a standard of process techniques, process activities, and information and method to interchange each activity. In addition to, the update of knowledge would be possible to establish new logical process about these process and activity and to adjust the integration through new administration process or activity if framework`s structure would be soft and substantial.