Title A Study on the Preferences of Building Design Concept Determinants
Authors Ryu Im-Woo ; Jeong Ji-Seok ; Choi Moo-Hyuk
Page pp.7-14
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Design Concept ; Concept Determinants ; Concept Preference ; Concept Hierarchy ; Building Usage ; Characteristic of Site
Abstract The purpose of this study was to analyze the preference of building design concept determinants according to the building usages and the characteristics of site. In order to acquire those, the literal investigation of domestic bimonthly which is A&C is employed as a means. Targets of research were 413 buildings which attend domestic competition from 1996 to 2001. Survey of research investigated frequency of design concept determinants that apply in these buildings. In the results, We could find three tendencies, nine dimensions and 18 elements from the building design concept determinants. Also, we could prove that it is difference in??preference of design concepts according to building usages and characteristics of site, and difference by building usages had appeared more clearly than difference by characteristics of site. These result may be used by measure for building estimation as well as can be used by guide when establish concept in design field.