Title A Study on the correlation between the number of diagnostic & treatment beds and the area of Clinics for Oriental Medicine
Authors Kwon Soon-Jung
Page pp.53-60
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Clinics ; Oriental Medicine ; Correlation ; Regression Analysis ; Diagnostic & Treatment bed ; Area ;
Abstract The number of clinics for Oriental Medicine is increasing sharply in Korea after the inception of National Health Insurance System in 1987. However there have been many troubles in making efficient plans for oriental medical facilities because of the lack of proper guidelines related to the design of them. Concerning this situation, Simple Linear Regression Model between the area of Oriental Clinic and the number of diagnostic & treatment(D&T) beds has been developed. With the help of this model, the area of Oriental Clinic can be calculated quantitatively on the basis of the number of D&T beds and vice versa. Both the client and designer of the Oriental Clinic can use this model for the estimation of the area and remodeling budget. Microsoft Excel Program has been used for the statistical analysis such as regression analysis, analysis of variance, scatter plot, analysis of Studentized residual, contrast of regression model and so on. 72 architectural drawings of Oriental Clinic located in Seoul, Gyunggi Province and Inchon??have been chosen for the analysis. 14 data among 86 ones have been excluded from the final data set because they are regarded as outliers.