Title The Priority Analysis of Remodeling Programs for Improving the Financial Value of Apartment
Authors Hwang Kyung-Sun ; Song Seung-Yeong
Page pp.211-218
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Apartment Remodeling ; Financial Value Improvement ; Priority of Remodeling Programs ; Analytic Hierarchy Process
Abstract Nowadays, remodeling has been encouraged as an alternative since reconstruction has caused a lot of problems. The best way to activate the remodeling may be the financial value improvement through it. Thus, this research aims to analyze the priority of various remodeling programs in view of financial value improvement. To attain a goal of research, hierarchical structure of remodeling programs is organized and questions to various experts are posed. Question results are analyzed by way of AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process) method. ??As results, in both case 1 and 4, the priority of high elements is decided in order of: increase of effective area, improvement of convenience and internal?external appearance, application of environment-friendly?health systems, application of energy conservation systems, application of intelligent communication systems. In the priority low elements, overall tendencies are just alike even if there are some differences in priority of each item between case 1 and 4.