Title A Study on the Typological Analysis and Factors of Visitor Circulation Based On Composition of Exhibition Space in Museum
Authors Choi Jun-Hyuck ; Lim Che-Zinn
Page pp.85-94
ISSN 12269093
Keywords 글로벌 동선특성 ; 동선 축 ; 동선유형 ; 관람동선글로벌 동선특성 ; 동선 축 ; 동선유형 ; 관람동선
Abstract The requirement of spatial solution in a museum corresponds with an effective inducement of visitors, an arrangement of display, and a special pathway and circulation. At the point of views, future studies in museum exhibition planning should reflect the characteristics of the visitor's movement through the behavior of the visitor and analysis of the structure of space. Beginning of this perception, the study will look into the meaning and the concept of the museum exhibition circulation, and analyze previous studies to understand its aim and manipulate limitations. Gradually, there are proposals in an analytical view to analyze the movement system of the visitor's circulation and to suggest a compositional approach and circulation axis. Furthermore, the objective and meaning of this study lie in utilization for the future museum exhibition circulation as a basic material by following the procedure of quantitatively analyzing the??movement line by visitor’s pursuit records and comparing axis lines of the circulation with the actual visitor’s shape of movements through examination of the plan.