Title Comparison and Analysis of Overseas Accreditation Systems for Architectural Education
Authors Choi Jae-Pil
Page pp.125-132
ISSN 12269093
Keywords 건축교육 ; 인증 ; 인증원 ; 실사 ; 규준건축교육 ; 인증 ; 인증원 ; 실사 ; 규준
Abstract Because of WTO agreement with the consequent opening of architectural design market in Korea and because of UIA recommendation, the introduction of a new accrediting system for architectural education in Korea is unavoidable. In order to take advantage of the precedents, four overseas accrediting organizations were compared and analyzed, and as the results a few recommendations were made on how to establish the Korean architectural accrediting body. The conclusions include that the NAAB conditions and procedures are the best references to start with and that some of the NBAA guidelines may be adapted with regard to the relationship between accreditation system and the governmental administration.