Title A Study on the Expressional Characteristics of Form in German Church Architecture
Authors Kim Guen-Sik ; Lee Kyung-Hoi
Page pp.143-150
ISSN 12269093
Keywords 독일교회건축 ; 표현특성독일교회건축 ; 표현특성
Abstract Church Architecture is the place for confessing and taking worship to the God and it is the meaning of God's will to build tabernacle in the bible. Through the history, Schulz C.N. said Church Architecture in basic and general property express the relation with nature and human life as well as the sky and the land. Rudolf Schwarz explained the Church architecture as the strong form of building the world. The Church Architecture out of other architectures especially gives the emphasis to aspects of its meaning and its expression because it is the place that human can meet the God and the Providence of God and also, that human can meet themselves as a public existence. Through the flow of Modern Church Architecture, some expressional characteristics to express these essential object are appeared. This study is for finding out expressional characteristics of form shown in Modern German Church Architecture. These are analogizing shape from a organism, applying composition principle of ecological system, utilizing of nature and harmony of surrounding and formalizing from the bible indirectly.