Title A Research on the Lot Pattern and House Type at the Housing Sites in Daejeon Old CBD
Authors Han Pil-Won
Page pp.191-202
ISSN 12269093
Keywords 대전 ; 구도심 ; 주거지 ; 필지체계 ; 주택유형 ; 일식주택 ; 재래주택 ; 양옥 ; 상가주택대전 ; 구도심 ; 주거지 ; 필지체계 ; 주택유형 ; 일식주택 ; 재래주택 ; 양옥 ; 상가주택
Abstract The objective of this study is to analyze the lot pattern and house type, and their change from 1965 to 2003 at the housing sites in Daejeon old CBD. Through the research that are based on literature analysis and field survey, it is found out that the lot pattern and house type are closely interrelated. The consequences of this research are summarized as follows. ??There are four major house types in the old CBD, Japanese-style house, traditional house, western-style house, and shop house, among which the traditional house type is dominant. The means of lot area in the Japanese-style house, traditional house, western-style house, and shop house lots are 99.5㎡, 168.3㎡, 177.8㎡, and 151.5㎡, respectively. The mean of the front-side ratio in the Japanese house lots is 0.70, and that in the shop house lots is 1.28, while that in each of other two major house types is around 1.0. The house lots are typically approached through either alley with a width less than 4m or flagpole-shape lot, except the shop house lots most of which are approached from wider roads. The location of a house lot varies with its house type.