Title A Study on Characterisctics of Redevelopment for Downtown Regeneration in Germany
Authors Oh Deog-Seong ; Park Cheon-Bo
Page pp.203-212
ISSN 12269093
Keywords 도심 ; 재개발 ; 독일 ; 도시계획도심 ; 재개발 ; 독일 ; 도시계획
Abstract The purpose of this study is to review the characteristics of redevelopment for downtown Regeneration in Germany and to suggest the planning directions and consideration points for its future development. For the study, the planning which have been implemented or being planned related to downtown regeneration of the city of Dortmund, Hannover and Koeln are reviewed. This study is divided into four parts. The first part, as a theoretical study, reviews the research method of this study. In the second part, the historical backgrounds, development patterns and tendency of the downtown redevelopment of german cities in order to understand the present conditions are studied. The third part, as a field survey, analyses the characteristics of redevelopment for the downtown regeneration in three case cities based on the aspect of urban space, urban traffic, landscape design and architecture. The last part suggests the basic planning directions and lessons for the future redevelopment of the downtown under consideration of korean situations.