Title An Experimental Study on Basic Properties with the Extrusion Lightweight Concrete Panel for Mixed Admixtures
Authors Kim Young-Jin ; Gong Min-Ho ; Lim Nam-Gi ; Jung Sang-Jin
Page pp.85-92
ISSN 12269107
Keywords 압출 성형 경량 콘크리트 패널 ; 혼화재료 ; 플라이애시 ; 실리카흄압출 ; 성형 ; 경량 콘크리트 ; 패널 ; 혼화재료 ; 플라이애시 ; 실리카흄
Abstract The propose of this study is to discover the extrusion lightweight panel for proper mixing by lightweight concrete. The standard of water ratio 50%. When produce manufactures, there use to maintain its form weight substition and addition among the viscosity agent each Silica-fume and Hydroxy propyl methyl cellulos. Testing method was to operate slump, air content, compressive strength test, splitting tensile strength test, rapid freezing and thawing test. The study is basic properties and performances of extrusion lightweight concrete panels. Testing methods was specific gravity, water absorption, resistance to impact, thermal conductivity, sound insulation.