Title The Study on the Cyber-Space Display Using Stereoscopic images in the Virtual Reality rchitecture
Authors Sohn Tae-Jin
Page pp.117-124
ISSN 12269107
Keywords 입체영상 ; 가상현실 건축 ; 가상사이버 건축 ; 몰입형 가상현실입체영상 ; 가상현실 건축 ; 가상사이버 건축 ; 몰입형 가상현실
Abstract The purpose of this study is to explain the important and the necessity of virtual cyber-space in a virtual reality environment, and to present a way of its realization as a means to surmount the fundamental constants in current architecture, arising mainly from the perception on architectural experiences. This virtual cyber-space using virtual reality technology will not only provide various indirect architectural experiences to the existing architectural resources, but also develop a new type of architectural experience system, leading to new worlds which have not been accessible to the public because of various restrictions coming from the current technology, architectural experiences and physical limits of human body. Thus, the cyber-space will be a new architectural resource of totally different concept and also, its industrialization will result in the developments of new industries for virtual reality system, video production, and display media, creating lots of architectural experiences and added value.