Title Effect of Labor Factors on Work Flows
Authors Yu Jung-Ho ; Lee Hyun-Soo ; Kim Sun-Kuk ; Kim Chang-Duk ; Suh Sang-Wook
Page pp.135-142
ISSN 12269107
Keywords 노무관리 ; 성과지표 ; 작업흐름노무관리 ; 성과지표 ; 작업흐름
Abstract Labor-related performance indicators are parts of those important control factors in a process of construction management. So far there have been many indicators developed for site management, however not so many of them seem to be possible to explain the mechanism of continuous work flows. This research suggests; (1) the perspectives that appreciate the continuous work flows from??different point of view, (2) the success factors of each perspective, and (3) the indicators that quantitatively measure each success factor. Based on these indicators, this research establishes a model for configuring work flows mechanism and verifies the model through a statistical method. The major results of this research are as follows: (1) Two labor- related performance indicators are found, that may explain the current work flows. (2) A statistical analysis are conducted so that the mechanism among the indicators are revealed.; (3) The way of utilizing these indicators in a construction management process is suggested.